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Select Board Meeting Minutes 9/26/11
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 9/26/11

Meeting Opened at: 6:00pm
Select Board Members Present: Wayne Burkhart, Chairperson, Scott Jenssen and Jonathan Sylbert
Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Chief Backhaus, Santi Messina, Bryan Moynihan, Michael Storch (Finance Committee), Stanley Ross (Finance Committee), Mickey Jervas (Library Trustee), Kenn Basler (Library Trustee) and Daniel Moriarity (Finance Committee)

The board reviewed Police Chief, Gareth Backhaus’ weekly report for 9/19-9/25/11 which included:
1.  Assisted with a complaint on Sandisfield Rd
2.  Harassment complaint on Blue Hill; police investigated and fond nothing to substantiate and referred the complainant to the AG’s office.
3.  Tree down on Tyringham Rd.
4.  Assisted NMPD with traffic on Corashire Rd.
5.  Loose cows on Gould Rd.
6.  The company that services the speed signs came to look at the one near the school and stated that the problem is with the power coming to the sign.

False Alarms:
1.  Deerwood Park Dr
2.  Hupi Rd
3.  Seven Arts

Two candidates were interviewed for the recent part time officer positions that have opened up.  Both candidates have all their credentials and are ready to start training in Monterey.

A motion was made to appoint Bryan Moynihan to a 6 month probationary period as a part time Monterey Officer.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

A motion was made to appoint Santi Messina to a 6 month probationary period as a part time Monterey Officer.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  The minutes from 9.19.11 were approved with amendments.
2.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  An invitation to the 2011 MMA Fall Legislative Breakfast; both Wayne and Jon will be attending.  Jon informed the Finance Committee of this breakfast and suggested that they should attend if they can.
b.  A letter from Gerard Perry, Director of Accounts at the Division of Local Services approving payments for repairs and other related costs resulting from the current storm emergency in accordance with the provisions of General Laws Chapter 44, Section 31.
c.  MMA’s announcement of the annual 6th grade statewide essay contest.  The Board agreed to participate in the program.
d.  An invitation from the Sandisfield select Boar Chair to a forum to discuss current issues facing our small towns.  The New Marlborough, Otis, Tolland and Tyringham Select Boards were also invited.  The first meeting will be on Tuesday, November 8th at 7pm at the Sandisfield Town Hall.  The Board discussed not meeting on Monday, Nov. 7th and instead meet for that week only at 6pm on Tuesday, Nov. 8th for 1 hour and then go to the Sandisfield meeting.
3.  Warrants were signed.
a.  The Board asked M. Noe to make sure that the $2,400 charged by John Fields for storm damage work is put into the funds to be reimbursed.
4.  The Board discussed the Bally Gally chimney issue and the fact that one of the contractors that bid the project won’t be able to start the project for another 4 weeks.  The Board discussed and agreed to ask M. Noe to ask M. Forbes call other reputable masons/contractors to see if they can get in there quicker.
5.  Wayne noted that he still has not had a chance to talk to the Town Clerk about the items on their agenda and he also has not had a chance to speak to the Treasurer either.
6.  The Board reviewed the information on surrounding rental properties and rent prices with regards to the suggestion received to consider raising the rent at Bally Gally as it has not been raised in 5 years.
7.  Inter-Departmental Secretary’s weekly report reviewed.
8.  Members of the Finance Committee came in at the request of the Board to review their suggestions for changes to employee benefits:
a.  Leaving the health insurance split as is (90/10).
b.  Changing the health insurance split to 75/25 next year and adding the difference it will cost the employee into their salary so no one loses any money.
c.  Changing the health insurance split from 90/10 to 75/25 over a 3 year period with a dollar per dollar compensation.
d.  Stan questioned why the Board would want to change it from 90/10 in the first place.  Stan suggested keeping it at 90/10 for the current 7 employees and making the policy 75/25 for any new hires.  Wayne agreed with Stan’s assessment of the suggestion.  He stated he liked the idea of town by town comparisons but didn’t feel that we always needed to homogenize with other towns – this is the way we’ve always done it and this is the way we’ll continue to do it, why suggest this now.  Stan felt that we have employees that have stuck to the job that aren’t overly paid like Boston, Worcester or Springfield.  We are a small, well funded town and we should take care of our employees.  Scott and Stan both agreed that it makes sense to keep the current employees at 90/10 and to make the policy 75/25 for any new hires.  He thinks that making the proposal to give the employees the difference would make it so that the voters would never approve any type of COLA or salary increase.  Stan compared the situation to buying a fire truck, you buy the biggest and the best and he sees no reason why you shouldn’t keep the employees at 90/10 and reinforce that they are appreciated.
e.  Jon stated that income in this country is flat and people are generally speaking getting no raises, health insurance is going up 6-10% up a year.  Wayne stated that the best employers still do the best that can with regards to the fringe benefits.  Wayne did not feel that Jon’s suggestions were a positive change for anyone.
f.  Wayne noted that municipalities get cheaper rates on insurance and therefore that is one reason that we are able to give better benefits than the private sector.
g.  Michael weighed in and stated that he did not feel that going to 75/25 was the right way to go and that he partially agreed with Stan and partially with Jon.  Just because some people can not afford certain things does not mean that this should be taken out on the town employees because they get good benefits.  Michael felt we needed to come up with a plan for new hires.
h.  Everyone discussed the proposal to change the sick time from 12 days per year with a carryover of up to 90 to 10 days per year with a carryover of up to 60.  The Finance Committee liked this suggestion.
i.  The Board noted that none of these suggestions have been talked about with the employees to date.
j.  Everyone discussed the proposal of adding dental to the benefits.  Stan didn’t feel that was a good idea as there aren’t any good dental plans available right now.
k.  Kenn Basler commented that the Board is on the right track with discussing making changes for any new hires and thinks that the benefits for current employees should be left as is.
l.  The Board agreed to continue the discussions until next week at 6:30pm.
9.  Mickey Jervas and Kenn Basler, Library Trustees came in to discuss the needed repairs at the dam behind the library.  The Board informed them that they passed the Library Trustees letter along to Maynard and asked him to take care of it and an email was sent to Lois Storch on 9/20 which stated, “The Board and Maynard reviewed the letter from the Trustees at their meeting last night and Maynard is aware of the problem and it is in the queue of things to be done.”  And that if they had any questions to contact Maynard directly.  Wayne is going to speak to Maynard directly about the dam and fencing tomorrow.
10.  Mickey commended the Highway Crew on the work done on Swann Rd.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 8:05pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Inter-Departmental Secretary via audio recording
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (
Select Board Members
Minutes Book